Friday, May 1, 2015

Here is What You Can Expect from an Invisalign® Dentist in Denver

Invisalign Dentist in Denver
As an Invisalign® dentist in Denver, we know that it is important to know what to expect during your treatment. We have all the answers to your important questions. Visit us to approach your Invisalign® treatment with confidence, and embrace the possibility of more beautiful and straighter teeth. Follow along as we discuss what you should expect during your Invisalign® treatment.
How does Invisalign® work?

Your custom-made aligners are created with a smooth, virtually invisible plastic. You will receive a series of aligners during your treatment, normally every two weeks. Each aligner is the next step of the process and they will make slight adjustments to your misaligned teeth, gradually creating an overall straight smile. One of the most popular aspects of Invisalign® is that no one will know you are wearing your aligners so you will look completely natural. You should strive to wear your aligner for at least 20 hours a day for the best results.

Will the aligners affect my speech?
As expected, you may notice a slight lisp when you put in your first aligner. Your mouth will get used to its presence, and your lisp will disappear in a short period of time— normally a day or two. As an Invisalign® dentist in Denver, we receive very few complaints regarding this.

Are there restrictions that I should be aware of during treatment?
Your aligners will be removable. This is convenient and necessary. You should always remove your aligner to eat and to brush your teeth. Not removing your aligner during these times could cause bacteria growth and tooth decay. You should also remove your aligner to clean it. As an Invisalign® dentist in Denver, we suggest cleaning your aligner with warm water and a toothbrush. Never use an abrasive substance like toothpaste.
You should also remove your aligner to chew gum. You should avoid smoking while wearing your aligner as well. Smoking while wearing your aligner can cause discoloration and warping.

Is Invisalign® affordable?
The cost of Invisalign® is comparable to getting wire braces; however, the cost will depend largely on how extensive your treatment will need to be. As an Invisalign® dentist in Denver, we can help you to determine the exact costs and a payment plan as needed. Your insurance company may also help you pay for your Invisalign® treatment.

Will I need to wear a retainer after treatment?
In most cases, we recommend that you wear a retainer after treatment. This will ensure the longevity of your straightened teeth. In some cases, you may not need a retainer, depending on whether or not we think your teeth will be inclined to gradually move back to their original position.

As you consider receiving an Invisalign® treatment, visit our dentist office for the most all-inclusive information regarding the process. We know you will be pleased with your straightening plan, your aligners, and your amazing results. Straighter teeth are just right around the corner with Invisalign®. You never have to feel self-conscious again with your newly aligned teeth.
